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TOP > Easywalkerショッピングバッグ、X-Large【楽天海外直送】 - Easywalker Shopping Bag, X-Large

Easywalkerショッピングバッグ、X-Large【楽天海外直送】 - Easywalker Shopping Bag, X-Large

Easywalker Shopping Bag, X-LargeAdd extra storage to your easywalker mosey stroller with the easywalker xl shopping bag. made from strong washable fabrics, this spacious accessory provides instant extra storage and is ideal for holding shopping bags, nappy changing equipment and blankets, and features a handy compartment inside to help keep personal essentials close to hand. with reinforced ergonomic handles and a press stud fastening, it also features breathable mesh panelling to improve ventilation and visibility. designed exclusively for the easywalker mosey, the shopping bag is easy to attach and remove from the stroller and is secured directly on to the frame in four locations with an additional tether strap for extra stability.Dimensions: 54 x 14 x 45 centimetres (0.45 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。



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